This product supports the GOFC-GOLD Global Early Warning System for
Wildland Fires. Mean values of the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI)
have been derived from the Climate Forecast System Version 2.0 (CFSv2)
model single runs. 30-day mean values of FWI are computed in the
following manner: 4x daily data (of temperature, relative humidity,
wind speed, and precipitation) are first interpolated to hourly;
local noon values and rainfall accumulation are then used to derive
daily values of FWI using equations from Van Wagner (1985); daily
values of FWI are then averaged over a 30-day period. FWI anomalies
represent the subtraction of the 30-year FWI climatology from the
current 30-day FWI mean values, averaged for the corresponding time
periods. The FWI climatology is computed in the same manner described
above, although input variables (temperature, relative humidity, wind
speed, and precipitation) are taken from 30-year CFSv2 daily
climatologies. FWI standardized values represent the anomalies
divided by the standard deviation. This product is updated on each
Sunday of the month. NOTE: This product does not include a snow
cover factor; thus, FWI values may not be representative during
winter months.